Glossary - Canine 

Hip Dysplasia

A disease that affects the development of the hip joint. It is frequently brought about by a laxity of the muscles, connective tissue, and ligaments that should the joint. Subluxation can effect the nerves that power the muscles that should provide this support. True dysplasia can be diagnosed by X-ray.

Motion Palpation

Feeling for the proper motion of spinal segments and extremities.

Progressive Myelopathies

Progressive neurological deterioration following spinal cord injury with functional or pathological changes unrelated to anatomical compression of the spinal cord or spinal instability.

Unilateral Lameness

Disabled so that movement, especially walking, is difficuly or impossible. Marked by pain or rigidness. One sided lameness.

Wobblers Disease

Wobblers syndrome is caused by narrowing or malformation of the spinal cervical (neck) vertebrae which causes pressure on the spinal cord by the lower cervical (neck) vetebrae due to either a malformation of the vertebra or when the vertebrae do not come together properly. This causes a weakness or lack of coordination in the limbs. Probable causes of wobblers include: subluxation, nutrition, genetics, trauma. Initial signs and symptoms include variable gait changes.